Sociocracy 3.0 Practitioner Course

Enhance Collaboration and Decision-Making, Unleash Collective Intelligence, and Improve Organizational Responsiveness and Resilience
Early Bird €2250 | Full Price: €2490 | Invididual / NPO: €1950
without VAT
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Build essential skills to boost collaboration, navigate complexity, and help the organization and its members thrive in a rapidly changing world. 

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This course is for

Leaders and Managers - seeking actionable strategies to drive effective, lasting change and enhance organizational adaptability in a rapidly evolving world.
Internal Coaches, Scrum Masters, and Team Facilitators - focused on empowering teams to thrive, improve self-organization, and sustain high performance in complex environments.
Consultants and External Coaches -supporting clients to improve collaboration and decision-making, and develop their organizations to make the best use of their resources and time.
Change Agents and Innovators -interested in fostering co-creation, unleashing innovation, and cultivating resilient organizations where both the people and the organization thrive.

Tailor Collaboration to Your Context

S3’s iterative, needs-centric approach to improving collaboration and developing your organization enables you to move beyond the limitations of prescriptive methods and frameworks. By keeping what works and addressing key challenges and opportunities with the help of S3 patterns, you can refine and develop a customized, fit-for-purpose approach that suits your unique context.

Learn from the source

This course is developed and delivered by Lili David and James Priest, co-developers of S3. They are delighted to share with you numerous insights and practical tools that you can start using right away to boost your organization's effectiveness and maximize your ability to deliver value to the people you serve.
Lili and James embody the S3 principles and walk their talk. There are not many people who can achieve this level of engagement from participants that sparks deep conversations and creates change. 
Marcin K.
I'm inspired by the energy that you both bring with your skills, the way they complement each other, and the transparent union in your actions. How much inner development it brings!

Xana P.
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12+ hours

self-paced e-lessons

3 days

in-person experiential learning

3 sessions

online follow-up

What this course will help you achieve

 Cultivate a culture of collaboration

that enhances organizational effectiveness, raises engagement, and motivates people to take responsibility for the course of the organization.

 Build organization-wide agility

to respond quickly and effectively to the challenges and opportunities you face.

 Evolve fit-for-purpose organizational structure

to reduce waste and maximize value creation throughout the system.

 Make gradual, tangible improvements

that align with your current organizational context and needs without feeling overwhelmed or getting stuck in familiar ruts.

 Harness collective intelligence

distributed throughout the organization, make effective decisions, and use your limited time, energy, and resources wisely.


The Learning Experience


Self-paced e-lessons

In-Person Training

Follow-up Sessions

  Self-Paced E-Lessons

Build a solid foundation on which to grow your practice and get the best out of Sociocracy 3.0.

  To help you prepare and get the most out of the 3-day experiential training, you will receive access to a comprehensive e-course comprising 10+ hours of self-paced video and text lessons.

  The e-learning is divided into two parts: essential and optional, allowing you to tailor your learning experience. The essential lessons help you establish the foundational understanding necessary to participate effectively in the 3-day course. The optional material provides opportunities for deeper exploration based on your interests and organizational needs.
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  Completion time depends on your pace. We recommend allocating 4–6 hours for the essential lessons, and an additional 6 hours or more if you’d like to work through all the lessons.

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12+ hours of self-paced e-lessons
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In-Person Training

3 days of immersive experiential learning
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Follow-up Sessions

3 mentoring and supervision sessions
Click the tabs to the right for more information about each part of the course.

  Three1.5-hour mentoring and supervision sessions

These sessions support your transition from the training environment to your working context. They provide the perfect opportunity to ask questions, receive feedback on your early experiments with S3 patterns following the course, and deepen your learning with peers.

  Exact dates and times are confirmed near the start of the course.
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  Three days in-person training

Experience the benefits of S3 principles and patterns in practice and develop powerful new skills that you can apply immediately.

During this highly experiential 3-day learning journey, you’ll collaborate with peers to build your understanding and competence as you apply dozens of Sociocracy 3.0 patterns to respond to a wide variety of typical organizational needs.

From handling governance and operations effectively to growing agile and responsive learning organizations, you’ll learn how to start putting S3 patterns together to harness distributed intelligence and use your limited time, effort, and resources wisely to realize your organization’s fuller potential.

  Schedule: Each day we start at 9:00 and finish at 17:30. We take two coffee breaks and 1 hour for lunch.
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What you can expect:

  • Kick-start a simulated organization using 50+ Sociocracy 3.0 patterns, progressing swiftly from initial concepts to action in self-organizing teams.
  • Develop facilitation and collaboration skills through hands-on practice.
  • Explore approaches for building and evolving dynamic organizational structures that enable the continuous flow and delivery of value.
  • Engage in regular reflections with peers to deepen your understanding of the patterns and principles in action and discover the deeper thinking behind Sociocracy 3.0.

What past participants say

Sohrab Salimi

Founder & CEO of Scrum Academy
The patterns and practices in S3 are essential elements to developing self-managed teams and organizations. Lili and James manage to teach with a ton of energy and passion which is second to none. Highly recommended.

Dette van Zeeland

Collaboration Coach, Belgium
Sociocracy 3.0 is a way to collaborate that is self-correcting and highly effective. It incorporates plural perspectives in a beautiful way. I strongly believe it makes the world, our homes and our organizations a better place to live and work in. I have never been to a training that was so connecting, enlightening and enriching. Lili and James showed us that we really can be the ones we are waiting for.

Marcin Konkel

Agile Coach - Alegro Group, Poland
Lili and James embody the Sociocracy 3.0 values and walk their talk. There are not many trainers that can achieve this level of engagement from participants that sparks deep conversations and creates change. I am grateful for the journey.

John Bunch

Senior technology and organization design executive, ex-Zappos
A fantastic learning environment! I have attended multiple sessions to learn more about S3. On all occasions, Lili and James have created an open and warm environment where students are met wherever they are at on their journey with Sociocracy 3.0

Joanne Steiner

Founding Partner - Apriori Consulting, Switzerland
People underestimate just how hard it is to unbundle and distill concepts like this. The modularity plus the fact that it is available in the public domain is a gift!

Anders L

Agile Coach, Sweden
I have been on many workshops and trainings during my life and treasure some of them. This is definitely one of them. James and Lili are great facilitators and create a safe, open and creative environment. I learned not only about S3, but also about how to be more whole, authentic and therefore a better person and leader.

Hugo Lopez

Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) at neoCK
James and Lili are two amazing facilitators, with an impressive experience working with teams and organizations. They have a deep understanding of Sociocracy 3.0 and their energetic and warm presence really contributed to the success of the course.

Upcoming Courses

freiburg im Breisgau, germany
 10 - 12 March, 2025
Gothenburg, Sweden
 6- 8 May, 2025
Rotkreutz, Switzerland


Two trainers and a group of 12-14 ensure exceptional attention to maximize your learning experience.

Early Bird

€2250 + VAT

Because it helps with planning.

Full Price

€2490 + VAT

Because it's worth it.

Individual / NPO's

€1950 + VAT

Because you're worth it.

 If you wish to participate in this course and the fee is beyond your means or the value you place on it, please contact us to explore potential options for you to participate. We strive to ensure that cost is not a barrier for people learning about S3. 

Undecided? Get in touch with us!

Write to us at We'll be happy to answer your questions.